Concierge Private Duty Care will assure that you find the right people enabling you to feel secure from the start of care.
We will match the care needs that you have with the skills of our trained and experienced caregivers so that you feel comfortable right from the beginning.
We will adapt to your daily schedule, your food preferences and your lifestyle to ensure your dignity while needing help to stay home.
Our caregivers will get to know you so that you maintain or improve your quality of life in the comfort of home.
Experience healthy meals that are consistent with your lifetime food preferences and customs.
Easy access to transportation and a companion to listen to the doctor’s recommendations if an extra ear is needed.
Communication with family members helps to reduce stress while maintaining privacy.
Assurance that you are taking the proper medications at the right time.
No need to worry about falls in the shower or other grooming needs with a professional caregiver to help you.
Our Caregivers Provide companionship and engagement.