Access NurseCare designs specialty Pre & Post Surgical Care to help clients prepare for surgical procedures and to provide comprehensive care after your surgical procedure.
Our agency will provide a nursing navigator to assure that you are totally prepared for your surgical procedure.
After surgery, return home with your team of clinical nurses and rehab professionals who understand the physician’s plan of care.
Your team will assure optimal care at home and follow up visits with your physician.
Experience healthy meals that are consistent with your lifetime food preferences and customs to ensure your strength before and after surgery.
Assurance that you are taking the right medications at the right time & in the right dose and that medication changes are complied with in the home setting.
Communication with family members helps to reduce stress while maintaining privacy.
Communicate and care coordination with all healthcare providers.
Easy access to transportation and a nurse to ensure the doctor’s recommendations for maximum recovery at home.
No need to worry about falls in the shower or other grooming needs with a professional caregiver to help you.
Performance of safety checks for the home to assure comfort and ease of access and to prevent accidents after surgery that could lead to rehospitalizations.
Our Care Team assist with reducing incidences, infections rates, and Medication Errors